You’ve wasted so much time. It feels like you’ve spent years trying to conquer your weight issues only to backslide into the familiar cycle of overeating and/or binging and dieting. And now it's starting to affect your health as well.
You’ve starved yourself to lose weight, only to lose control and start binging again.
You find yourself thinking about food all the time. You overeat forbidden foods in secret and hide the evidence.
You dread going to events, and sometimes even miss them because you hate how you look and feel.
You go to sleep at night feeling bloated and disgusting.
You dread going to the doctor. Who knows what they're going to find next?
You know this has to stop. It’s taken a toll on you and affects every aspect of your life.
The truth is that you can experience a joy and freedom that you never knew was possible.
You can be fully present for those you love, both now and in the future.
You can live a life that’s free from thinking about food all the time.
You can truly love yourself.
Get your energy back.
Stop your health from going downhill.
Never go on a diet again.
I get you. I have struggled with eating since I was a little girl, as far back as I can remember. I tried so many diets and so many programs, being “good,” and losing weight, only to lose momentum and fall back into overeating with a vengeance.
I lived my life in one of 3 states: on a diet, trying to be on a diet, or feeling guilty for not being on a diet.
I thought that I was just destined to be stuck in a body that reflected the way I abused it. I wanted to stop this crazy eating so badly, but I just couldn’t.
Thanks to a coaching program emphasizing a whole food plant based diet, along with some mindset changes, I finally succeeded in overcoming binge eating. I've studied, learned, and discovered powerful ways to live with a healthy attitude toward food and eating.
I lost about 60 pounds, and have been maintaining that loss since 2020. I also reversed my prediabetes and enjoy better health than ever before!
I am also a Registered Nurse and Board Certified Nurse Coach. In addition to that I have certificates in whole food plant based eating and functional nutrition.
I know you, I understand you, and I can help you.
Does the thought of a mostly Whole Food Plant Based Diet stress you out?
Are you thinking of trying a mostly Whole Food Plant Based Diet, but worried that it's too complicated, expensive, or time consuming?

No worries! I've got your back with 7 tips to make preparing and eating a Whole Food Plant Based Diet fast, easy, and doable. You can get everything you need in your local supermarket, and you won't have to max out your credit card either.
Start on your journey from food slavery to food FREEDOM.
Work with me through private, personalized, individual coaching to finally get off the diet - binge roller coaster.
Learn why your binge eating is not your fault. But that doesn't mean you're powerless either. Encounter simple, actionable steps that REALLY WORK. You will get so much more than just food planning. You will discover how your mind and body work, and how to work WITH them instead of against them. You will avoid declining health as you age.
Are you ready?
Here's how to get started.
Schedule a time to talk. Tell me your story and let’s have a 30 minute conversation about how I can help you.
Work with me if you want to say good-bye to the shame, hiding, and losing out on life because of your eating.
Experience more freedom, self-love, and inner peace.
Here’s what Sarah B. has to say about working with me:
"Devorah understood. She was able to provide the right mix of support, resources and medical insight drawn from her nursing training. She understood the challenges I faced having transformed her own eating to a wfpb lifestyle to improve her health.
"Devorah was my rock. Our sessions were reliable and regular, with check-ins that I could look forward to and use to regain focus. She challenged me to question myself and my food choices. I listened. I was accountable to her and accountable to myself. I had a friend, a resource, and a support system to aid in this journey.
"Devorah believed in me and I believe in me too.”
And Beth G. says:
“I’ve been living with Diabetes for many years. Just a few days after following Devorah’s suggestions, I woke up with the lowest fasting blood sugar that I’ve experienced in years. And that was with my insulin pump only needing to deliver half the amount of insulin.”