I'm Devorah Shulman, BSN, RN, NC-BC
I help women who've always struggled with their eating and their weight lose it once and for all so they can avoid declining health as they age.
I know what it's like to be at "rock bottom." Deep in the mud of shame and self-hate. Finally picking myself up to start yet another diet. Only to fall again as I once again give in and start eating food that calls out to me like a best friend, but hurts like a worst enemy.
I went on my first serious diet at the age of 10. And I broke that diet when my mother passed away on the day before my sixth grade orientation. She was only 33 years old when she left this world. She had pancreatitis and Diabetes.
And I was terrified of Diabetes.
That was the beginning of my lifelong yo yo dieting. I tried so many things. I was able to lose the weight. But keep it off? That was a different story.
I had a wake up call during a pregnancy when I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. The "D" word. Did that mean I was doomed?
I sure was careful with what I ate, and kept my blood sugar under control.
And after giving birth, it was right back to the old pattern.
I hit my fifties and my blood pressure started going up. And my Hemoglobin A1C was 5.7. In the prediabetes range. Then 6.0. I was on my way, and I was scared.
But I was able to turn it around with good nutrition and lifestyle changes.
My blood pressure is normal, and my Hemoglobin A1C has been 5.3 for a few years now.
You don't have to fall into that trap of starving yourself and then losing it and going back to binging.
So forget about going on another diet. You know you're going to break it and feel like you're a broken failure.
Guess what? YOU are not the failure. It's the diet that is. It's not you. It's the food.
So forget about diets. Forget about starving yourself.
Come work with me. It's time to say goodbye to starving and binging for good. And say hello to freedom, health, and inner peace.
More About Me
I'm married, and am a mother and a grandmother. I am a real nurse. I graduated from nursing school at the age of 51, so it's never too late to start something new.
I don't currently work in a hospital, but I used to. First, I worked with heart patients. Then I was a Labor and Delivery nurse for a number of years, working night shift.
I saw firsthand how the healthcare system is really a sick care system. And I was a professional pill pusher.
I wanted something more for my patients. That, coupled with my own eating struggles, inspired me to study nutrition, lifestyle medicine, and coaching.

7 Tips to Make a Whole Food Plant Based Diet Doable for Real People
I know that a Whole Food Plant Based Diet sounds complicated, expensive, and that you'll spend hours in the kitchen. But it doesn't have to be. Learn how YOU can actually cook and eat more plants, without having to get all stressed out about it.